Wales Green Party announce new Deputy Leader

Wales Green Party is pleased to announce the selection of Gwent Green Party member Lauren James as the new Deputy Leader following a vacancy that arose last year after previous Deputy Mirka Virtanen stood down. Lauren will be joining the existing leadership team of Anthony Slaughter, Leader and Duncan Rees, her fellow Deputy Leader.

Lauren James has been an active member of Wales Green Party for 5 years, volunteering at both a local and national level. A single parent of three children, Lauren has lived in Newport, South Wales for six years. Since 2017 she has worked from home as a social media manager alongside publishing a green lifestyle blog for parents.

Lauren cares deeply about the natural world, education and the lives of young people. She is a passionate advocate for gender equality and social justice.

Anthony Slaughter, Leader of Wales Green Party said, ‘I am looking forward to working with Lauren in her new position. As a colleague, her passion and commitment in building and promoting our party and its values has been invaluable and I am confident she will bring these strengths to her new role, helping Wales Green Party to deliver our vital messages on climate justice and social justice in these challenging times, and securing the elected Green representation that Wales so desperately needs.’ 

Lauren James said, ‘I’m thrilled to be selected as Wales Green Party Deputy Leader. In these uncertain times it’s been heart-warming to see the community come together. From frontline NHS staff, teachers and other key workers to parents educating their children at home, Wales has shown resilience and solidarity in a crisis unlike anything in living memory.

I look forward to being a strong Green voice for women, children and young people in Wales.’ 

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