Welcome to Gwent Green Party

Welcome to Gwent Green Party, the home of the Green Party in South East Wales. We are one of the most diverse regions in Wales, from the post-industrial heartlands of Torfaen, Islwyn and Blaenau Gwent in the north and west, the rolling hills of Monmouthshire to the east and the vibrant city of Newport to the south.

We have big ambitions, but to get a green voice heard in Gwent we need your help. You can:

We can build a Green Future in Gwent together.

Help get Greens elected in Gwent

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We’re fighting for a fairer Gwent for everyone

Support our campaigns

Make the Gwent Levels an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

Having saved the Gwent Levels from the threat of the M4 Relief Road, our challenge now is to bring in further protection for this extraordinary landscape. Large areas of the Levels are designated as Sites of Special Scientific Interest, primarily for the rich aquatic life in the reens. But they’re also home to the rare shrill carder bee, to bitterns and cranes, as well as a wealth of plant life. Our campaign will focus on obtaining AONB status for the Levels – something that we will be doing in conjunction with other campaign groups and NGOs.

Demand Action on Flooding

One year ago, floods devastated many homes and businesses in Gwent and elsewhere across Wales. Although the emergency response and support for recovery was mostly excellent, it feels like the Welsh Government has given up on preventing further flooding. We urge the Welsh Government to take urgent, bold and targeted action to protect people’s homes and livelihoods. People should not have to live in fear each time a storm is forecast.

Success! M4 Relief Road Campaign

The threat of the relief road carving up the Gwent Levels hung over Wales for more than thirty years. We campaigned against this…

And we won! Despite the Public Inquiry finding in favour of the road the First Minister had clearly been listening to the arguments put forward by the Green Party and other campaigning groups – as well as his own Future Generations Commissioner – and he concluded that this ill-conceived scheme had no place in 21st Century Wales.

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