Ian’s monthly column for December 2022

Cllr Ian Chandler’s monthly column for The New Times – Llantilio Crossenny’s Parish Magazine

Rising inflation and interest rates are impacting on households, especially those on low or fixed incomes who have little to cushion themselves against these economic shocks. You can get advice on what support is available to you by visiting one of the Community Hubs or calling Monmouthshire Council on 01633 644644. You can also contact Citizens Advice on 0800 702 2020. Note that the UK Government has not yet announced how it will pay the £200 ‘alternative fuel payment’ for those of us using oil to heat our homes and water – hopefully this will be clearer soon.

Monmouthshire Council is also facing its own financial challenges due to rising costs and an increased demand for the services it provides to vulnerable people. 

This financial year it has a shortfall of nearly £9 million that council officers are trying to recover by savings on public services that were already lean after years of austerity. The budget for this financial year was set by the previous Conservative administration in March, when they agreed a council tax increase of 2.95% while inflation was already at 7% and rising. 

The situation for 2023/24 looks worse with a projected shortfall of around £23 million. By mid-December there should be greater clarity on the cost of nationally agreed pay awards and what financial support the Welsh government will give following the UK government’s latest budget. The current Labour administration will consult Monmouthshire residents on its proposed budget in January. Inevitably, all councils in the UK are likely to introduce council tax rises and cuts to services.

I’m sorry to be sharing such worrying news in the lead up to Christmas. Please look out for each other and support those who are struggling in these difficult times.

Warmest wishes,

Cllr Ian Chandler


Tel: 01291 448270

Twitter: @Ian_Chandler

Facebook: IanChandlerGreen

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