Gwent Green Party announce candidates for Senedd elections

  • Amelia Womack leads the Green Party list for South Wales East
  • Candidates have signed the Green Transformation Pledge for Wales

In an online event on Monday, the Greens launched their slate of candidates for the Senedd elections in May, with their five lead list candidates on the regional list ballot, each signing a Green Transformation Pledge for Wales.

The pledge document details the Green Party’s five promises to voters to help them deliver a secure Green future if elected to the Senedd on 6th May:
• Truly affordable homes for all
• Tackle the climate emergency and restore nature
• Well-funded, modern healthcare in our communities
• Education, fit for today and the future
• Stand up to Westminster’s power-grab

Amongst the candidates standing is Deputy Leader of the Green Party of England and Wales Amelia Womack, who is lead candidate on the South Wales East regional list, as well as constituency candidate for Newport West.

Womack said “These elections are some of the most exciting in the history of Wales, with the possibility to shape a post-covid future which is resilient, strong and equal. We have a real chance of electing our first Green Party voices in Welsh Parliament, pushing to secure a future – a fairer, Greener Wales for everyone”.

“Every Green elected will work constructively with other parties to transform Wales, by investing locally in our communities. Greens know that’s how you bring real change.”



Regional list candidates: Amelia Womack, Ian Chandler, Lauren James, Stephen Priestnall

Constituency candidates: Amelia Womack (Newport West), Ian Chandler (Monmouthshire)

For more information or photos, contact Lauren James 07825 699 023

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